Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Writing to save my life....

I am writing because I need to. I have since realized that if I don't cultivate the gardens of my adventure, sown and reaped in ink and internet, I will go the way of the unprofitable servant and be thrown out into the darkness for sheer waste. It is so easy to get busy in the hustle and bustle of teaching that I forget the ever so important business of living.

I named this Eastern Run a while back, before I really knew what was going to happen. In coming to China, I felt like I was running (from what? I have no idea) and the direction seemed to be east, so the name seemed apt. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I don't like the name, because it was born out of flight, or even fear. It is wholly inaccurate because I now know that when I got to China, I was running to God, not away from home. The Eastern Run leads into the desert, a good place, an alive place. The desert, as one worthy said, "does not know that it's dead". The desert, whether in China or Michigan, is a place where God calls you with excitement- after all, he gets you all to himself.

I have to go tutor, so I must away, but I hope you enjoy these reflections on the beautiful side of the sand and cacti around Kunshan. Thank you for listening, and as always.....



Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcome to Eastern Run!

This is Daniel's China blog! Enjoy it!